How to reform a commercial premises

Do you want to achieve a more attractive business for customers, with a greater personality and more comfortable to carry out your activity? Perhaps it is time to consider making a change in your establishment… or many. From Horlasa we tell you how to reform a commercial premises.

Reform of a commercial premises

The first thing to keep in mind is that we can bet on two types of performances. A reform of type comprehensive (with modification of structural elements of the building) or of character partial (additions or minor changes).

In any case, this is the necessary documentation and the procedures to carry out:

Activity project: document that reflects that both the activity to be carried out and that the facilities comply with current regulations. Demand, therefore, the signature of a competent professional and authorized by the administration.

Work license: After the activity project, you must request the building permit, a permit that must be requested at the town hall. To obtain it, you must submit the cadastral plan, as well as a photocopy of the DNI.

We must not forget either OCA Certificate (Authorized Control Body) which establishes that the electrical installation of the business complies with the regulations. The necessary inspection is carried out by an external consultant.

The last document to start the activity is the activity or opening licensea mandatory municipal document so that a commercial, industrial or service activity can be carried out in a premises, warehouse or office.

Descriptive memory

It is advised to be aware of general urban plan or general urban planning plansince some land or spaces cannot be used for certain activities.

Likewise, one must take into account the descriptive memorya document with the most relevant information about the project.

For example, who is requesting the reform, who is going to supervise and carry it out, type of business activity, characteristics of the establishment (such as its location, dimensions…).

In the same way, it contains the purpose of the work, the materials to be used, the budget… This report is required at the time of request. project grants.

Accessibility and security

A very important aspect when it comes to a possible reform in a business is to establish whether or not it complies with the accessibility law.

It is a local standard that seeks to ensure that a person in a wheelchair can move through all the rooms of the establishment.

In the same way, the business has to follow the parameters established by the fire protection lawwhich establishes a maximum evacuation route of 25 meters to the outside exit.

Other requirements are the obligation to insert a ventilation and air conditioning system.

In the case of leased premises, the rental contract must be carefully reviewed to verify that the clauses do not prohibit any reform work.

Parameters of a comprehensive reform

If you bet on one Integral reform of the establishment, the most common is to act on all these elements.

The facade: The entrance of the business must attract potential customers and invite them to enter the premises. Therefore, it will be necessary to pay attention to details and finishes.

Doors and windows: Beyond the artificial lighting of the business, it will be necessary to attend to what we can obtain thanks to the natural light that enters through doors and windows.

Floors, ceilings, walls… Again, both materials and finishes will be important to achieve maximum appeal.

Furniture: Thanks to the furniture and the interior design, the personality of the business can be shaped, so the furniture must be in accordance with the activity, the type of public and the product or service.

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