How to do home renovation without going over your budget

Have you decided to renovate your home? Even if you want to spend little, you can achieve great things, you just have to have the right ideas!

How to reform your house for little money: focus on your priorities

Sooner or later the time comes for everyone to renovate their home. After so many years on the same floor, it is natural that you need to make changes. The same need arises when you have to buy a house or sell yours, since perhaps a few small improvements or comprehensive reforms can make it perfect.

Renovated houses really change their face and, at the same time, manage to preserve the original elements that most characterize them, from an aesthetic, historical or structural point of view.

If you have a budget, even if it is small, you can afford to carry out a beautiful reform.

The important thing is to proceed sensibly and do not make impromptu decisions. You already know how demanding a reform, even partial, of your home is, not only in the economic aspect, but also in the most strictly personal, since you will have to change, and not a little, your habits and lifestyle during the period in which you renovate your house.

It is essential that you focus on what you really want to renovate in your home. If you succeed, it will take less time and, above all, you will make your investment in the best possible way, saving as much as possible. Spending little on renovating your home is your first goal.

Renovate your house for little money: these are the basic steps

So you want to renovate your house for little money, but you don’t want to skimp on quality. That is everyone’s wish! How can you do it then? You have to define your project well and make a short list of your priorities.

These are the basic steps which will have to give:

  • Plan your expenses: depending on how you plan to renovate your home, the expenses you will have to face may vary, even considerably.

An ordinary repair, such as retiling, changing windows and doors or restoring facades, is clearly less expensive than an extraordinary one, such as doing a toilet (redoing the bathroom), a garden or a patio.

Determine your budget now to avoid spending costs. If you do not have the necessary liquidity, you can always choose to request a small mortgage or a loan.

  • Take advantage of tax incentives: remember that for some of these interventions you can still benefit from a series of deductions that can even exceed 50% of the expense made.

It’s always a good idea find out or ask an expert if there are tax incentives for the year in which you intend to renovate your home and check if you can qualify for them. The advantages that are usually confirmed over the years are those of energy savings or security, with a reduced VAT. In this way, you will be able to deduct many of the expenses that you incur.

  • Ask for budgets: Getting a good agreement with a company is not easy, but it is not impossible either.

never forget that making several budgets will allow you to make a good comparison between them and have, in the end, the professional service you want at the most convenient price, as well as efficient, in terms of quality and execution time.

  • Make sure you stick to the red tape: a careful evaluation of the budgets and of the company and/or architect to whom you plan to entrust your home is even more essential when more complex works have to be carried out, such as resurfacing floors, opening interior doors or moving walls.

In these last two cases, for example, you need, in order to proceed, a certain authorization, the Certificate of Commencement of Workswhich you can request in the municipality where the work is to be carried out.

For this reason, it is necessary to delegate the renovation works of your home to competent and trustworthy people, who are in charge of all the bureaucratic procedures, so that you can carry out the works safely and comply with the necessary permits.

  • Use low cost materials: a house can be beautiful even without choosing materials that are too precious, such as good wood or top quality marble.

There are many other beautiful, elegant floor coverings with good resistance to the passage of time.such as porcelain stoneware or cheap parquet.

This guarantees excellent value for money. In addition, at certain times, there are promotions or sales that can be your winning solution to renovate your home.

  • Also consider the idea of ​​renovation: the installations, doors and windows continue to be a significant expense. Why not also think about restoration and try to get some quotes?

If you can find a good restorer, the job will cost you significantly less than buying new, and what you have restored will be as good as new!

  • Choose DIY for the simplest jobs: Less complex jobs, such as painting, can also be done by yourself or with the help of some friends or your partner.

All you need are a few tricks and, when necessary, all the necessary safety equipment, such as an approved helmet and safety shoes.

Renovating your home does not mean Home Relooking or Home Staging

Renovating your house is not like doing a makeover because, in this case, we are talking about home renovationa different thing.

If what you want is to personalize the place where you have lived for a long time, because perhaps you want to refresh it or simply because you want to give it a new look, you can think of small interventions, such as the creative reuse of your furniture or materials that you had initially decided to throw away (in this case we are talking about upcycling).

In this way you you will give a new face to your house, enhancing it even more without much effort. The expense that you will have to face will be much less and with a few steps much simpler than those that would require a full-blown renovation.

For home renovation to work, it is first necessary to create a new space in your mind, which is only possible through a good harmony, both physical and mental, with the space in which you live.

A good strategy that you can adopt is the declutteringthat is, do a thorough cleaning in your homegoing through everything you have in your rooms, furniture and closets, and throwing away everything you don’t like or no longer need or that is hopelessly broken, but you have never managed to get rid of.

It is also true that nothing prevents you from doing a good reform and a little reform at home at the same time. Everything is possible thanks to renewal.

If, on the other hand, you intend to renovate your house and make it aesthetically more interesting, because you intend to sell it or rent itas soon as possible and at a price higher than what you could currently obtain, or because you are thinking of adapting it to a B&B (you will also have to take into account what are the requirements to carry out this activity), in this case, you may be interested in a different intervention, entrusting it to an architect, an intervention that is not necessarily in line with your personal tastes, but rather one that is closer to what may be the trends in interior architecture or the most fashionable styles of furniture.

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